Friday, September 16, 2016

Head of Statistics Canada Has Resigned!!!

I'm a little euphoric right now because I just discovered that the head of that dreaded Statistics Canada, the bastard that wanted to make all surveys sent to citizens mandatory for them to complete, the jackass who wanted to make our beautiful country into a police state where no-one had the right to any privacy at all, has resigned.  I hope that long sentence was clear!!!

Someone in government more powerful than this Smith jerk (I forgot his first name) saw where he was going in his aim for infinite power and stopped him in his tracks.  I can't wait to find out who it was or if it was a group of people.  Smith resigned because he couldn't have his way...plain and simple.  We did dodge a bullet this time and it scares me how close we came to having mandatory household surveys thrust on us.  Can you just imagine being forced to answer any and all questions Statistics Canada chose to ask you?  Can you imagine being fined or thrown in jail if you refused?  

To all the people who refused to take his mandatory survey and stood their ground despite being threatened with fines or jail...I'm proud to be a part of your strong and stubborn group! We did the right thing and made ourselves heard!  

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