Sunday, April 30, 2017

Bargain Blues

I was so happy when I spotted this beautiful dahlia plant at Home Depot.  I've really fallen in love with dahlias this year and this plant consisted of 3 different colors.  Gorgeous!  I put it on the floor of the back seat of the car so it would be safe, then went grocery shopping.  I only needed bananas but I spotted goodies (pecan pie, butter tarts, muffins) that were on sale 40% off...I rarely buy sweets but I just couldn't resist this bargain.  The bag was very heavy so I sat it well back on the back seat.  I seem to recall wondering there was any chance it could fall forward but decided that it was well wedged.

As I was driving home, I had to brake quickly for a red light and I heard the bag hit the back of my seat and slide down.  My heart broke knowing the plant could not have survived being crushed under the weight of the bag.  And then there was also the worry about the goodies and if they had survived intact.

When I got home and drew the bag off the plant I could see it was crushed.  I could also see that the goodies weren't so that was one good thing.  I'm hoping the plant won't die but only time will tell.  The way I see it, karma bit me in the butt for buying all those goodies.  I had a piece of pecan pie to soothe my sadness.

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