Friday, April 14, 2017

Good Friday 2017

Most of my family are going on the annual Good Friday hike but I gave that up many years ago.  I don't know if they still tend to climb up and down mountainous terrain but that's what drove me away.  It's still a lovely tradition to have in the family, though, and it's traditions that keep the family close.

Nick and Bev are having Good Friday dinner and that's where I'll be going later today...some of the hikers will be there, too.  I love it that Bev is so family oriented and seems to enjoy creating her and Nick's own family traditions which so often include me.  Nick has himself a gem!

It's a gorgeous day today for anything a family chooses to do.  The sun is shining and it's crisp but not cold.  I noticed the other day that the forsythia is in bloom and that's a sign that everything else will be blooming very shortly.

Happy Good Friday everyone!

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