Monday, June 05, 2017

Being Politically Correct

I cannot even express in words how much I detest the actions of being "politically correct".  To me it means not daring to say or do anything that might offend even one person in the world.  I can't stand these insane and mindless restrictions.

Why has it become verboten to have a dialogue of differing opinions?  Why have we allowed the "politically correct" to prevent us from asking questions?  We are being buried under  a hoard of terrorists who don't even know the concept of being politically correct and we are punished with backlash if we question who they are.

I'm at odds with the most surprising kind and loving family...who seem to think my questions are prejudicial.  I'm in awe that these very intelligent people think it's odd or nasty to question Islam when it's okay to question just about anything else.  Well, no.  I think it's also politically incorrect to question anything about the LGBT, other people's politics, legal sexual practices, and possibly bathroom practices.  I think this is why we have comedians...they stick their noses up at PC and rightly so!

I have family and friends who hold political and religious beliefs that are completely different from my own and I can talk respectfully with them about it.  I don't feel the need to stifle them, educate them, or insult them.  I am more curious about why they believe as they do.  Heaven knows, none of us are perfect in our personal beliefs.

What totally confuses me is how belligerent some people become with those whose beliefs aren't identical to their own, or those who dare to ask questions.  I know my loved ones are not stupid enough to believe the truth of any situation is always readily available.  Personally, I don't think we citizens ever get the pure truth about anything...and that's why we should ask questions and not be shouted down in our quest.

One of the beautiful things about living in a country where we are blessed with freedom of speech and freedom of the press, is that those are two freedoms we can't live without.  Wars have been fought and soldiers have died and suffered to preserve those freedoms for us so we shouldn't take them lightly.  Having political correctness forced down our throats is an affront to those soldiers.  We don't have to be correct in what we say or think.  We need only to retain the right to our legal beliefs and the right to express them.    

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