Monday, July 31, 2017

Can't Sleep

It's happening sleep or little sleep but it was a bit different last night.  I was very tired and turned the T.V. and light off shortly after 10 P.M.  I still tossed and turned for hours and, when I did fall asleep, it was not a deep sleep.  I dreamed a bit but was still so close to the surface that I directed the dream.  Not once did I fall into a deep sleep but awoke or slept just below the surface all night long.  The dream was ridiculous, something about a Muslim wedding.  I've never been to one so I have no idea why I'd dream it or direct it!

Dreams mean something to the dreamer.  We can't always figure out the meaning and I'm sure I'll never figure this one out.

For years I dreamt I was flying and it felt so good.  I'd fly around and even feel the air on my skin but sooner or later I'd encounter trees or telephone lines getting in my way and I'd have to land.  That's an easy dream to decipher.  The flying is a quest for freedom and the trees and telephone lines represent the obstacles in life that limit your freedom.

I rarely have nightmares, thank heavens, and almost all my dreams are happy ones.  I'm usually in a place with lots of people so I assume that's when I'm happiest but, in real life, I do enjoy my alone time, too.  

In the past I had dreams where I woke up heartbroken and it was such a relief to realize it had only been a dream.  I've also had strange dreams where I saw a tragedy happen and then it actually did happen a few days later...such as fires or airplane crashes.  I don't know if that counts as being forewarned because none of it happened to me or anyone I knew.  Still kind of strange because the dream depicted the tragedy so clearly.

I guess I'll have to take an Advil P.M. tonight because I can't tolerate too many sleepless nights.  They really do ruin my day.

And so to sleep, perchance to dream.


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