Sunday, July 02, 2017

Trump's Tweets

Trump's latest tweet is an altered video showing him punching out a person with a head that's marked CNN.  The press is justifiably horrified that the president of their country is advocating violence against them but I think there is a much more frightening message here.

A stable, mature man wouldn't take time away from the issues the president of the United States is facing right now to do something like this.  A stable, mature man wouldn't have the time to play the games that Trump has been playing on Twitter for a long time now.  The president of the United States should be dignified and mature.  This hasn't been what we see in Trump and it's frightening to know this very immature bully is in charge of the most powerful country in the world.

I love my American friends and know most of them support Trump and voted for him so I don't want to insult them.  I am deeply curious about how they feel about the tweets.  I asked them on Facebook to tell me what they make of the tweets and I'm really interested in hearing what they say.  My American friends are decent people who voted for him in good faith because they were terribly unhappy with how Obama ran the country.  I know that none of us give up too quickly once we've made our choice but I'd love to know if any of Trump's behaviours have changed their minds.  If they still support him, what more would it take to make them question him?

None of us has ever seen a U.S. president behave the way Trump does.  It certainly isn't dignified and it borders on juvenile which isn't how the U.S. wants the world to see him.  The strength of a country is often reflected in the leader but Trump is making himself appear ridiculous.  This is unacceptable and shouldn't be tolerated by the citizens.  They need a leader that is respected, not ridiculed and the only way he'll shape up is if his party forces him.  

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