Monday, August 21, 2017


Well, it has happened.  Someone who has been a very important part of my life is disappearing.  And Alzheimers is the culprit that's caused it.

Alzheimers is a strange disease.  It takes away slowly and sometimes you're not sure if a memory is just faded or gone for good.  And, when it's thought to be gone for good, it can suddenly reappear for a moment.

When a loved one has Alzheimers, it's normal for their people to attempt to remind them of treasured moments in the past and it's uplifting when you feel you've made a breakthrough.  But sometimes you haven't.  The patient will make every effort to convince you they remember when they don't and that must be stressful for them.  

So talk about old times, hope for the best, and love them just as they are.  You might be gone from their memories but you remain in their souls.   

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