Thursday, August 31, 2017

Go Fund Me

I'd heard about the Go Fund Me page and also heard the stories about how much abuse you see on it...people claiming to be sick with cancer when they're healthy, people claiming their child was sick when they had no children, etc.  Even if the plea is legitimate, do these people always deserve your dollars???

I saw such a request on Facebook today and it was a legitimate one by a 15 year old boy wanting to save his grandparents' home.  They'd fallen on hard times and were going to sell their house and move to something they could afford.  They needed $250, 000 to keep the house.

Now, this is a darned nice big house...granite counters in the kitchen, pool table, 2 car garage, clay roof, etc. and of course they don't want to lose it but damn!!!  There are people living in cardboard boxes in this country.  There are people working 2 jobs who can't afford a half decent apartment for their family.  There are people living in homeless shelters.  So very many people who have it so much worse than this young boy's grandparents.

What he's trying to do is a nice thing but let's be realistic.  Should the public donate $250, 000 to save this lovely house which is probably better than most people can afford?  Or should the public put that $250,000 to better use where it would make the lives of maybe 25,000 people a little bit better?

Common sense should give us the answer.

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