Tuesday, August 15, 2017

I Don't Argue

I love a discussion with varying opinions on any subject but they have to be civil discussions with no angry arguments.  I often learn that I'm wrong and I don't mind at all admitting it...apparently my opinions don't sway many people because I can't remember anyone else admitting they were wrong.  No matter, I still love to have interesting discussions with polite people.

Would I march or protest publicly about something I feel strongly about?  I don't think so.  Firstly, those public protests scare the beejesus out of me because too many turn violent.  Second, I'm not sure they accomplish a single thing...they only make their opponents angrier.

When you have university students, the supposed elite of our youth, screaming wildly to drown out any opinion but their own, I can see our society emerging as one that only vents and never listens.  No peaceful solutions can come from people who won't listen.

I had a lovely discussion on Facebook today with someone whose opinions don't completely coincide with my own.  We listened to one another, questioned, and maybe no opinions were changed but it was all done in respectful dialogue.  I love this!  I don't know the guy but he's a friend of my nephew and we won't have to be nervous about meeting each other one day because nothing nasty was said by either of us.

I know I'm becoming more opinionated as I get older but I think it's because I'm worried about the world I'll be leaving to my progeny.  I wish it was a better one, a kinder one, a safer one.   

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