Sunday, February 04, 2018

Finding Religion in Flowers

I believe we are led somehow to what we need in life.  I also believe that those who ignore warning signs are bound to follow the wrong path to their detriment.  Just as it's difficult to straighten out your car when it slips into a rut, it's just as difficult for derailed people to climb back onto the right path once they've deviated.

I'm not sure when I started reposting photos of flowers on Facebook every morning but it's been quite a while.  I've always loved the beauty of flowers but until recently never inspected the magnificent detail of each and every one of them.

It began to dawn on me as I ooohed and awwwed and sometimes gasped out loud as I looked at these photos that the perfection I was seeing could not have come about by accident.  Were these gifts from whoever created us?  It's very confusing for me because I've been turned off by organized religion since I was a child.  I recognized at an early age that too many of the "good" church people were not what they presented themselves to be.  I'm sure no-one could argue with me that there is way too much hatred in organized religion with different sects even willing to go to war with each other.

When I pay attention to the beauty in nature rather than church leaders and followers, I come closer to a religious experience.  I'm a logical thinker and find even the rugged beauty of nature carries a message for us that there is something mightier than we are at work.  The unbelievable beauty of those flowers I repost is a reminder that whatever power is responsible for us here is also gentle.

Before the flowers, I could see perfection in our children...not so much in adults but there were always a few who made me want to be a better person than I was.  It honestly has been in my later years that I was granted wider vision to recognize what was hidden from me in my younger and more selfish years.  I was blind but now I see...and now I understand those words.

Organized religion has always been about the leaders of those religions and how much power they can wield.  With that power came corruption and the followers turned away from the beauty of nature and the will to preserve it.  They lost the true religion.

At least that's my take on it.  We'll all find out for sure in due time.  

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