Sunday, April 29, 2018

Too Much Talk

Nash turned 7 in February when I was in Florida so we chose yesterday as our special day when we'd go out and buy him his birthday present.  He wanted a remote control car.  Okay.  Then he changed his mind and wanted a drone but I helped change his mind back to the remote control car.

I picked him up at Kim's where he'd stayed overnight and she looked a little frazzled.  She said he never stopped talking.  Now, Nash is a really sweet little boy but he has a very talkative brother so, when he's the only kid around, he makes up for it by talking constantly...and it's very, very tiring.

He talked all the way out the door and to the car.  He talked all the way to Walmart where we were going to get his car (ToysRUs has gone out of business so Walmart is all we have now).  He talked all the way into the store and all the way through the store.  He talked as he found the car he wanted and put it in the cart.  He talked all the way to the cash register and all the way out to the car.  He talked all the way to "Wendy's" where we would have lunch.  I could only hope he couldn't talk with food in his mouth.  He did.

He talked all through lunch and all the way out to the car where I was now in a hurry to return him to Kim.  He was talking as I started up the car and I asked him if his seat belt was on.  He answered, "yes, I have to keep myself safe".  And I melted.  He is one of the sweetest little boys in the world and I adore him.

He talked all the way home and all the way into Kim's house.  She looked a little surprised to see us back so soon but I'm sure she understood.  I made a hurried exit to the peace and quiet of the outside world.  I am much too old to be around a kid who never stops talking but I do love him!

Happy belated 7th birthday, Nash!

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