Saturday, June 30, 2018

What Came First?

Does anyone besides me wonder about the dinosaurs?  They were huge and critters like that don't develop overnight so they must have begun as something other than 20' tall animals...but nothing is ever said about that or shown of what came before them.  Apparently prehistoric man arrived after them.

Also, how could a storm that surrounded the earth to cut off sunshine destroy every single one of these animals but not the vegetation?  I think we've been duped by our scientists!

And why are we conditioned to be afraid of life forms on another planet?  Obviously, if they're much smarter than we are they don't need to attack us with weapons if they really wanted to take over our world.  They also obviously don't want much to do with us or they'd be here already.

How do you control a populace?  Well, first you fill them with fear and then you fill them with a feeling of being better than others.  Hence, the birth of religion.  These tactics are also being used in politics.  I've always seen the rivalry between political parties but the United States has taken it to another level.  Someone (Republican) posted a list of differences between Democrats and Republicans on Facebook and you would swear that all Democrats must be spawns of the devil.  That's how Republicans have come to see anyone who isn't a Republican.  Crazy or what?

If there is intelligent life on other planets...and there most certainly must be...they must have written us all off by now as too crazy to communicate with.  

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