Sunday, July 29, 2018

Stroke Aftermath

Wayne is having trouble talking and that's normal for people who have just had a stroke.  I've been told that it can take up to a year for stroke patients to recover normality so he does have a long road in front of him.  He'll need lots of intensive care, either from family or therapists so this is quite serious.

I think I speak for every senior when I say that one of our worst fears is of being bedridden and having to depend on others for everything.  A stroke strikes out of nowhere and it's not something you can prepare for or even completely avoid.  Wayne's stroke was brought on by his fall and hitting his head but it can literally just hit you from nowhere.

I told my children that, if I'm ever bedridden with no chance of recovery, I do not want any life saving measures taken.  I don't want to end my days like that.

My hopes and prayers are going out to Wayne that he can recover enough to enjoy life.  He's such a good man.

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