Monday, August 20, 2018

Aeron's Shower

What a perfect day!  The weather finally broke from our oppressive heat and humidity and the rain ended, too.  We couldn't have asked for better weather for a backyard shower.  Cindy and Don had worked for weeks making their backyard even more beautiful than ever and setting up seating and tables that would be plenty for all the guests.  Kyle was our cute and talented bartender.

There were a few good friends but most of the guests were either our family or Jake's.  It was lovely!  And the best loved surprise guests were John and Shelley who we'd thought wouldn't be able to make it up from Tampa.  They must have the most understanding bosses in the world!

It was wonderful to watch the younger generation of women...Kim, Tammy, Shelley, Valerie, Rochelle, Sarah...keeping Cindy out of the kitchen and doing the serving.  The men got into some of the preparations, too.  Anything to give Cindy a break and allow her to enjoy the fruits of her labor.

Don, Matt, and Tyson did most of the barbecuing and we ate and ate and ate at each item was ready.  Kyle made us lovely drinks inbetween courses.  

Sweet Aeron wandered around wearing a tiara (suited our princess perfectly) and everyone seemed to be enjoying the evening immensely.  Mary had been staying with me for a few days and she was there, too, which made me very happy.

Our family had grown up with lots of activities with their aunts, uncles and cousins and that was evident in how they all participated in the evening.  It certainly was a family affair!

My one big regret is that I didn't have enough time to spend with Shelley and John who had flown up from Florida and with Tammy who had flown up from New Brunswick.  The good thing is that they had plenty of time with Kim and Cindy.

I'd had a very busy few days before the shower and the day of the shower so yesterday I roused myself only enough to make my bed and did nothing else but eat and nap all day.  I must be getting old.

The wedding is September 14th and I'm looking forward to another fabulous family event.  Jake's family is very close and lots of fun so it will be a good blending of families.

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