Thursday, October 04, 2018

Politics Are Dirty

It's hard to believe that any politician becomes one in order to do well for the citizens.  Since Trump became the U.S. president I've been watching more of the antics these very powerful people get up to and it's really a national disgrace these days.  There is so much infighting between parties instead of attempting to get along for the sake of the country that I wonder if there ever will be peace...even after Trump is gone.

Maybe this has been the game all along but it was better hidden in the old days.  Now every little back stabbing moment is shown on CNN.  It must be very unsettling for the American citizens because it's unsettling for me as an outsider.  Canadian politics are no different...Trudeau is a dope who always seems to be doing something ultra liberal that offends most of us.  He just interfered to allow a child rapist/murderer to spend her prison time in a "healing lodge".  Apparently that's a nice comfy apartment where she'll be counselled by native healers.  How the hell is that a comfort to the parents of the little girl she kidnapped, raped, and murdered??

I don't usually watch even my own country's politics because they're usually boring but politics in the U.S. with Trump is not boring.  Frightening, laughable, shameful, ugly...but not boring.  I've watched Trump imitate and make fun of a handicapped reporter, do the same with a rape victim, and seen his audience applaud and laugh right along with him.  I continue to ask myself if the citizens are losing their morals or if they never had them to begin with.  How could anyone vote for a man who, on camera, joked about being able to grab women by the "pussy" because he's a celebrity.  It boggles the mind to try to understand this.

It's discouraging to see the depths some politicians seem to have fallen and still be able to gather up enough people to vote them into office.  Politics have always been dirty but now I see it's really the swamp that Trump is always describing.   

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