Tuesday, April 02, 2019

Can't Cough

Because of what we think is an allergic reaction, I have a tickle in my throat that makes me want to cough but I don't seem to have enough air in my lungs or my throat is too swollen to allow me to do it properly.  It is the weirdest feeling to try to cough and run out of air...and it also produces the weirdest noises I've ever heard.  I sound like a seal and it's very embarrassing so I'm not going out in public until I have to.

My voice came back a bit this morning and I do seem to be breathing deeper but the silly sounding cough is still there.  Shelley has been having me use a puffer and Flo-Nase at night so I can sleep better but I am truly sick of all the medications I've taken over the winter to clear up whatever allergy this is.  I hate taking meds of any kind.

Shelley believes I've been exposed to mold but I want to have tests done when I get home.  I really haven't wanted to see any doctors in the States because I think I need a specialist.  

My heart goes out to anyone who has breathing problems.  I've only once before had a severe asthma attack and it was horrible.  This is just as horrible but lasting much longer.

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