Thursday, May 02, 2019

Casino Bound

Faye, Mary, and I are off to the casino this morning and we'll meet up with Dee M.  I'm definitely not a winner money wise at the casino but I am a winner with the friends I'll be there with.

As mentioned before, I don't smoke and rarely drink so going to the casino once a month is acceptable entertainment for me.  I like to joke that I'm spending my children's inheritance but I spend a lot more money on other sort of senseless things than the casino.

I had dinner with Faye and Mary yesterday...first time seeing Mary since last fall/winter...and we had a lot of laughs as usual.  It's so important to have girlfriends mainly because we understand each other better than any man could.  We can be ourselves, too, and not worry about shocking the opposite sex with our truths.

Dee is such a good friend, too, and will make the trip over to the casino from the States.  We see each other all the time at the park in Florida but only get to see each other a few times during the summer at home.  We both love to gamble and eat so meeting at the casino is perfect!

Faye and Mary are staying overnight at my apartment and I know it will be a late night of fun conversation.  We never seem to run out of things to talk or laugh about even though we've known each other for well over 50 years.  Life is good!

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