Sunday, June 04, 2006

Making Time

I'm a rabid yard saler and Ebay least I was until Canada Post raised their rates so high I was embarrassed to tell my customers how much their postage would be. Now I'm limiting yard saleing until I clear out my stock through my flea market table. This has cleared my weekends so beautifully that I now have the time to meet my sister for coffee on Sundays the way we used to do.

Sometimes we get caught up in work or hobbies and forget that the important things in life are our relationships with family and friends. A simple thing like not having the time to have coffee with my sister on Sunday doesn't seem too important until we realize how short life can be. A few years ago my sister and I weren't speaking for a few months...we both have wicked tempers...and I found a message on my answering machine from her husband saying she was in the hospital. On that long ride to the hospital I kept thinking how no disagreement or tiny hurt feelings were important if they kept really loving sisters apart. It terrified me to think we might never have the chance to be friends again. As it turned out, she had her appendix removed and was as thrilled to see me as I was to see her. It taught me a lesson, though...don't take tomorrow for granted.

Today I'm meeting my sister for coffee and we'll yak and laugh and just enjoy the moment.

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