Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Gardening...one of life's greatest pleasures!

I just discovered that I can type my blogs in the color of my choice....probably sounds lame to people who understand computers better than I do but every little new thing I find to do on the computer is a thrill to me!

I've been happily busy preparing my flower gardens, planting, watering, and spreading mulch. This is one of life's simple pleasures that I'll enjoy for as long as I can dig in the dirt. Being retired means that we can putter around in our yards or planters whenever we feel the urge to create beauty in the world....wearing ratty looking clothes and ruining what's left of our fingernails. We know what true beauty is. After fiddling around in the garden for hours, I snuggle into the lawn chair with my feet up, a gin and tonic in my hand, and a smile on my face. Life is good!

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