Saturday, May 13, 2006

One More Day in the Life

I've been awfully sore since I returned from Florida this spring....the reason being I've had to do all the heavy labor that my husband used to do. He passed away last summer after spending 12 months battling cancer (and "battling" is an understatement). I often wonder if he'd be proud of what I've been able to accomplish since he passed away or if he'd be resentful of my successes without him.

There have been times I've had to decide if what I need in the basement or upstairs is worth another trip. I've carted boxloads of things all over the house, and into and out of the car. I've dug so many weeds out of the vegetable garden and flower gardens that I considered it might actually be better to cultivate them. Not much was done around here last year because we home cared my husband throughout his illness so I'm learning that nature takes over in more ways than one if left to follow its own course.

But hard work usually brings contentment at the end and then its time to reap the rewards. This summer I'll be able to sit out in the yard and watch the flowers grow and the vegetables ripen. I'll never forget that it was Dennis' hard labor that originally created my little oasis but I'll also have a better appreciation of my own abilities to carry on.

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