Saturday, September 09, 2006

Still Computer Illiterate

I guess I was getting a little too cocky about all I've learned on the computer over the's actually a pitifully tiny amount but each new thing learned was thrilling for me. Now I have somehow lost a few dozen pictures I'd saved and have no idea where they went. I also manage to send long e-mails to friends only to discover they received black pages. I'd love to blame AOL for all my troubles but I have a sneaking suspicion that the fault lies with me.

There's not much use in me calling AOL because I never understand what they so patiently try to explain to me. I have many friends who are computer literate but I don't understand them either. Almost everything I've learned to do on the computer has come by accident so I guess I'll just sit and wait until that lightbulb goes off in my head and then I just might find those damn pictures.

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