Monday, October 16, 2006

Murphy's Law

Murphy's Law states that if something can go wrong it will go wrong. Murphy's Law is an integral part of my life. For instance, I don't have a very busy lifestyle while I'm home in Canada so I rely on memory and jotting appointments on my wall calendar. I've managed to make 3 appointments for the same day (and almost the same hour) next week, one of which will just have to be cancelled. There's absolutely nothing going on for every other day of that week.

A few years back, when I was still working, I became concerned that I was losing my memory because I missed 2 days of work thinking I wasn't scheduled for those days. I took my concerns to my family physician and he sent me to a specialist who proceeded to give me hours of various tests. I was finally told that my memory was phenomenal but I was attempting to fill my head with too many tasks and dates instead of recording them on paper. I now have slips of paper all through the house with little notes reminding me to phone, buy, or meet. What I need to do now is get a little date book for my purse so all this information is in one place. I'd better make a note!

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