Monday, November 20, 2006


With so many immigrants from all over the world, we're all familiar with seeing them dressed in their native garb. This adds color and interest to our society and, for the most part, I enjoy the novelty. But this doesn't extend to burkas worn in public.

There has been much discussion about banning the wearing of burkas in public and I'm on the side of banning them because they present a clear danger to our security. Wearing a flowing cloak that covers everything but the eyes could hide just about anyone and or gun!

A friend told me that he'd seen a burka clad figure sitting on a curb at the mall with legs crossed. Those legs were large and as hairy as a man's and the person was wearing combat boots. Maybe this is normal for these women but it could have been a man. Think of the possiblities! There's also something terribly abnormal about a woman who hides behind a burka. Is it her natural choice or a way of her culture repressing her as a human being?

I'm sure that the next generation of women won't tolerate wearing burkas but, in the meantime, our security could be at stake. If these women are allowed to have their I.D. photos taken while wearing the burka...and that wouldn't surprise me at all...then we're just asking for trouble. Do you think????

1 comment:

bluebird of paradise said...

it's "burka" i'm not sure what a burda is but when i googled it it looked like a german pattern of some sort.
like you i think a burka is a prison for women, but to each her own. some women , for religous reasons may chose to wear a burka or veil. the catholic nuns used to. and some religions wear outfits that are reminiscent of the 50's and no make up.
as long as women have a choice.
i think we in the west feel our standard is the right one and that anything different is inferior.
we need to be more accepting of different cultures.........