Monday, November 20, 2006

Being Happy

My daughter, Kim. loves to read my can't imagine how flattered I am that she enjoys them. So, for my Kimmy, I thought I'd write a bit about being happy.

Really happy people take it for granted that each day will hold pleasant surprises that can only add to their happy little lives. Those of us who have suffered severe unhappiness in one way or another know that some days can hold bad news. I remember days in my life that were sheer misery followed by more days just the same.

I've been a happy camper for quite a while now after discovering the secret. I read an article once that said "no-one can hurt you unless you let them" and that simple statement stuck with me.

Here are a few hints from this old girl about how to be and stay happy: Appreciate whatever good fortune comes your way but don't take it for granted. As often as possible, be in the company of people who build you up...and never miss the chance to make another feel good about themselves. Lose yourself occasionally in the unbelievable beauty of nature. Learn to like yourself even if you'll never reach perfection. Love and laugh and never forget to enjoy the moment!

1 comment:

bluebird of paradise said...

where did you get such wisdom. i am going to print the last paragraph off and put it on my fridge.