Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Kid's World in Kissimmee

I was just talking to my daughter about going over to volunteer at Kid's World this afternoon. Kid's World is like an amusement park for seriously or terminally ill children and their families and there is no other place on earth that makes a volunteer feel more useful. Kim thinks this would be a sad atmosphere to work in but I tried to make her understand how happy the children are in this magical place. They can forget their illnesses for a while. Their brothers and sisters can also enjoy the experience and the parents, bless them, can watch their children have the vacation of a lifetime...completely free of cost.

The "Make a Wish" foundation is only one of the groups who take advantage of Kid's World which is situated in Kissimmee, Florida. Lovely, fully equipped townhouses are provided for the families on the grounds and they can use the cafeteria, movie theatre, miniature golf course, pool, ice cream parlor, etc., etc., etc. at their leisure. Transportation to and from Kid's World and theme park tickets are provided free of charge also. Medical staff is available 24 hours a day.

Don't look for me at the pool today. Besides the fact that it's too darned cold, I'll be making fantastic ice-cream concoctions for starry eyed children and their patient and thankful parents.

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