Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Sweet Payment

I did a 3 1/2 hour stint volunteering at Kid's World this afternoon and received a payment so precious that it will keep me floating on air for days. A beautiful little 4 year old girl walked into the ice cream parlor where I was working and stole my heart. She was wearing a bandanna on her head and it was obvious her head had been shaved. She had such a look of gentleness and peace on her face that I couldn't take my eyes off of her.

As I spoke to her, I mentioned the pretty bandanna and she took it off. Her little head had indeed been shaved and there were 3 long, semi-healed scars which still revealed lumps that hadn't been completely removed. Her big brown eyes showed no sickness or fear, just that overwhelming gentleness that had attracted me to her.

I helped her climb onto a rocking horse and held on to her while she enjoyed her ride. When she was finished she softly asked me to help her down. As I lifted her to the ground she wrapped her arms around me and told me she loved me. I felt as though I was in the presence of an angel who had found me worthy.

This wasn't a sad moment, at least not one to make you cry. It was a moment of connecting with another human being and knowing this is where you were meant to be. I wish I had the words to explain how that felt. I do know I gave something of value to that little girl and she gave something of immense value back to me.

God, or someone, sure works in mysterious ways.

1 comment:

bluebird of paradise said...

oh i would love to volunteer there. how beautiful