Monday, February 26, 2007

Baby Craving

I just read my sister-in-law's blog about how happy she is to be minding her 3 grandsons while their parents are away. She sounds so tired but so happy to be with them.

For years I've gone into melt down when I see a little one. Their innocence and their brand new skin just makes me crave to touch them. I wonder sometimes how the parents feel when a strange old gal comes up to their baby and can't resist touching their little hands. I remember once coming across an Amish family who had a baby with them. When I touched the baby's little bare foot the father looked quite displeased. Maybe that was taking too much liberty in their culture...I don't know. Now, as I reach out, I watch the parent's face to see if they mind. Most are pleased to have their baby admired so I guess it's still acceptable in our own culture, thank heavens.

My own grandbabies are growing up and well past the baby stage but they still have that perfect skin and, being the Gramma, I can go a little further with my craving and caress their beautiful faces.

Oh gosh, I'm getting all weepy for them so I'd better end this blog and get ready to go out. I'm going on the casino cruise today so wish me luck.

1 comment:

Kim said...

I wish you moucho luck Momma :)