Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Little Old Lady, Me!

I got myself one of those little carts on wheels to take my laundry to the laundryroom...things seem to be getting heavier for me...and realized that I'm looking more like an old lady every day. Forget the grey hair and wrinkles...I mean losing physical abilities.

I remember when we all used to bounce out of the car when we arrived at our destination. Now it takes us so long to drag ourselves out that we get the giggles.

I used to have the tiniest bit of arthritis in the first knuckle of my index finger but now my whole hand aches slightly once in a while. When I developed the first pain in my knuckle I thought I'd broken it and had it exrayed. It never occurred to me that it could be arthritis.

A couple of years ago I discovered I could barely get back up on my feet from a kneeling position. It was kind of embarrassing because I was in the middle of my yard cleaning out the lawnmower and thought I'd have to crawl back to the house. Fortunately no one saw me and I was able to pull myself up but with great difficulty.

I'm not unique in my failings but there are plenty of people older than me who are much more agile. I'm not quite sure if it's bad genes or lack of exercise...probably a combination of both.

Anyway, we do lose some of our abilities as we age and that's a fact of life. I say "enjoy it while you have it!".

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