Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Elvis E-mail Background

I think you call it "wallpaper" but that sounds silly so I'll refer to it as "background. Anyway, I just learned how to use Elvis as background on my e-mails. I'm not sure I like the effect and one daughter and one grandson sound less than enthused about it so I might limit it to a select group of fellow Elvis lovers.

I might have gone a bit overboard with "Elvis" today. I received some pictures, stamps and fabric from Ebay...all Elvis. Then I went shopping this afternoon and was ecstatic to find 2 different prints of Elvis fabric at Walmart. I now own 15 1/2 yards of Elvis fabric...3 different prints. And I have no idea what I'll use it for.

It matters not! I'll have it "just in case" an idea hits me.


Shelley said...

I may not share your enthusiasm for Elvis but I love it that you have so much fun with it all!

Love you!

Kim said...

Wallpaper is one thing, but 15 1/2 yards!?! Hey, maybe you guys could wear togas to Collingwood?
...I may tease (and I do) but I am happy you're having fun. Happier if my birthday present isn't made from the 15 1/2 yds!