Saturday, March 24, 2007

I Gave Up Fries

Never have I been able to diet without severe hunger and misery defeating my attempts. One of the tricks to losing weight is to only give up one item that is bad for you. I gave up potato chips as my 2007 new year's resolution and haven't had any cravings. I was going to give up french fries for my 2008 new year's resolution but decided to start early. It's been a week and so far so good.

I normally eat a fairly healthy diet but I crave salt...sprinkled on potato chips and fries. Since giving up the chips I haven't noticed any difference in my weight so maybe I've just been eating more fries to compensate. It will be interesting to see what happens with both the chips and fries out of my life. I'll let you know!

1 comment:

Kim said...

I saw a picture of you from Marilee. You look great. Good luck with the fries. They really are very unhealthy. See you in a few weeks.