Thursday, March 22, 2007

A Mean God?

I received one of those e-mails today that was probably meant to encourage all the people who read it to fear god's wrath and run to their nearest church. I know the lady who sent it to me is a sweet and loving lady but this e-mail struck me the wrong way.

My problems with religion start right at the church and it's leaders. If there really is a powerful and all knowing god why do we have to reach him through an organization of undercover sinners who continually beg for our money?

My personal vision of "god" is of an undescribable entity that guides us while we're still here on earth and enfolds us when we die. My "god" doesn't torture and murder someone just because they choose to ignore him/her. Most religions seem to teach that atheists will burn in hell but what of the atheists who spend their lives caring for others and living decent, law abiding lives? My "god" would love these people.

All my life I've seen wars waged in the name of religion. Remember the religious fanatics who were responsible for the horror of 9/11? I often envy truly religious people because they receive much comfort from their religion but I have no respect for fanatics who preach hatred for anyone who doesn't follow their doctrine.

I've found in my lifetime that most church goers really do try to live decent lives and obey the principles of their religion but too many of the church leaders have fallen from grace. With human beings, too much power tends to corrupt and that is true of organized religion.

Logic tells me that we aren't here by accident and that there has to be some explanation for our existence. The most beautiful things in this world aren't man made but part of nature. There's only one way to find the answer and I'm not ready to go yet but, when my time comes, I'll trust my instincts. It's gonna be nice there!


Shelley said...

Lisette has been struggling lately with her faith. She was feeling guilty that she wasn't finding a true connection with God at church. Then she was worried that she felt more connected to Him in nature and "confessed" this to me...I was thrilled! What better place? I hope you can find your place to connect too! :-)

patsyrose said...

Tell Lisette to trust her instincts. They'll lead her onto the right path.