Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Cruel Words

An American radio personality has spent the past week eating his words. Somehow he doesn't come across as truly sorry for what he said on the air, though. Last week he was commenting on a college women's basketball game and laughingly described the women on one team as "nappy headed ho's". Did this guy just crawl out from under a rock? Surely he couldn't believe that he could get away with a public insult like that.

Words can hurt. They can destroy a person's self esteem. In this case, and in this enlightened world, I don't think those particular words will do any harm to the women but they've reminded us once again that some people of power and influence still believe they can say whatever pops into their bigoted little heads without consequences.

Throughout my life I've been the recipient of cruel words many times over and it's surprising how you don't forget them...or the person who spoke them. I believe they don't affect me any more but....isn't it interesting that there is a "but"? If we're strong we use personal insults to propel ourselves to succeed in life and I think I've done that fairly well. But....

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