Thursday, April 12, 2007

Bye For Now!

This will be my last posting until I get back home to Canada. I'm leaving Florida at about 4 A.M. tomorrow morning and hope to reach Beckley, West Virginia before I stop at 6 P.M. That's more than half way home. My distance depends on my stamina so I might stop earlier and then take 3 days on the road instead of 2. I enjoy the drive immensely, drive carefully, and keep a low profile when out in public so that I don't draw attention to the fact that I'm a woman travelling alone. Isn't it a shame that we live in a society where a woman my age has to carry a fear for her life and purse?

Today will be hot and sunny so I'll spend a lot of time at the pool, then do laundry and pack the few remaining things in the car. By suppertime, which will be a hamburger dinner at the clubhouse, the car will be fully packed and ready to go. I've already kissed and hugged dozens of people goodbye and will do the same tonight at the hamburger dinner.

I'm very anxious to be on my way so I know I won't sleep well tonight without the help of Tylenol P.M. As much fun and enjoyment that was had here this winter, I'm leaving with a happy heart filled with the anticipation of a good summer and then a return to Florida in October to do it all over again. In the back of my mind is always the thought that my winters in Florida are numbered because of age and finances. At best, there might be 5-6 more.

So, bye for now and I'll be back gabbing away in just a few days!


Shelley said...

I'll miss your blogs!!!
Travel safe!!
Love you!!!!!!!!!

bluebird of paradise said...

have a safe trip and don't count how many more years you have in florida. i promise i'll push your wheelchair if need be (and i won't even push you over a cliff)
say good bye to the alligator, squirrels and crane family

Kim said...

Ya, stop counting how many years you have left, maybe you'll still be blogging away in FLA for another 30 years!!!!!