Saturday, April 21, 2007

Doing Nothing

After a bit of yard work today I sat myself down on a patio chair and propped my feet up on another and did nothing. I did nothing for about 3 hours, just watched the birds pulling worms out of the ground and a couple of squirrels making out on a tree limb. It's been so long since I sat and did nothing at all that I was amazed it wasn't boring.

My yard has a lot of full grown trees which provide shade in the summer but, since the leaves haven't appeared yet, the yard was lovely and sunny.

I have new neighbors on one side, a young couple with an 11 month old baby named Felix. Odd name but beautiful baby! We gabbed for a while over the fence and they seem like a nice couple.

This was one of those lazy, warm spring days when we should stop whatever else we're doing and just enjoy the moment. As I sat contentedly, sipping on Diet Pepsi and perusing my kingdom (or queendom), I thought how lucky I was to be here...doing nothing.

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