Wednesday, April 04, 2007

I'm My Worst Critic (maybe)

The story I'm writing is coming along not so bad but every time I read it I find considerable fault with it. If it was written on paper I'd have erased a hole in it already. I started writing this story with loads of confidence that it might not be spectacular but it would be pleasant reading...but it really isn't. My story line is good but the sentences just sound flat. Nobody talks the way I'm writing.

I've enjoyed writing the blogs because they fly out of my fingers onto the keyboard like conversations. I certainly don't do much editing...maybe a few spelling corrections. This is the way I like to write, casual and down to earth. I wish my story writing was as easy.

At home I have quite a few children's stories written but I've been too afraid to show them to anyone. If no-one reads them and laughs at them then I can convince myself that there's still hope for me. All my life I've thought that inside of me was a talented writer just waiting to spring out and astound the world.

Maybe I'll never write a decent story but I still have the dream.


Kim said...

I love reading your stuff! Don't sweat it so much, just let it happen. I can't wait to read it.

bluebird of paradise said...

you are a wonderful writer. don't "dis" yourself. just keep writing and show some trusted people. writers need thick skins, although from my experience their skins are ultra thin..........