Thursday, April 05, 2007

The Problem Family Member

Every family has at least one member who makes everyone want to scream in frustration. Mine is my beloved grandson, Chooch. Chooch has never been able to get his life on track and yet he's the most lovable young man in the world.

In grade school, he spent more time being suspended than any other child in the school. It was never for anything terribly serious. He spit out the window; he wouldn't stop talking; he pushed another child. The school autohorities hounded my daughter to put Chooch on Ritalin because he obviously was afflicted with ADD (or ADHD). We, as a family, were adamant that he shouldn't be put on drugs and, after being psychologically evaluated at my daughter's expense, Chooch was found to not have ADD. Just think what harm could have been done to this child if we'd caved in to the school authorities. His mother always felt that what he suffered from was BRAT, anyway.

Chooch's grades were terrible even though he was always very bright. He couldn't concentrate or stay still long enough to learn anything from books and yet he was seldom kept back a grade in school. At 15 he entered high school, barely able to read and totally unable to function without constant supervision. Teachers are in short order in high school and couldn't devote enough time to him alone so he finally just dropped out. My daughter, poor soul, had struggled with being a working single mother and desperately trying to help Chooch with his homework but to no avail. His frustration level was too high and her physical and emotional strength not strong enough.

Chooch eventually moved out on his own and supported himself with various low paid jobs. At each new job he was welcomed with open arms because he's so friendly, good natured, and works hard. Before too long he'd get bored and start skipping work or fool around until he broke something on the job. He seems to live for the day and not worry about tomorrow so he doesn't realize how his actions affect the rest of his life.

Then there are his friends. He has one wonderful friend who has stuck by him since grade school and tries hard to steer Chooch the right way. But Chooch is just too friendly and generous with anyone who is nice to him and he seems to attract a lot of users.

Chooch recently found a full time job in a restaurant and his brother was managing his paycheck for him. Things were going relatively well. Yesterday his apartment building was declared in imminent danger of collapsing and everyone was evacuated, unable to return for clothes or furniture. He is currently staying with his brother and wondering when I'll be home. Oh oh!!

1 comment:

Shelley said...

We love, adore and want to throttle him on equal occasions - often all at once!
His heart of gold and that smile that lights up a room, that's our Chooch.
He does happen to come from the best family in the world...thank goodness!