Sunday, April 29, 2007

A Sense of Relief

You know that feeling you get when you're worried about something and the problem suddenly goes away. It's literally as though a weight has been lifted and you're able to breathe deeper. Happiness engulfs you.

Such as:

The person you thought was angry with you still loves you.

You get your tax/repair bill and it's less than you'd dared hope.

Your child falls, is silent and not moving, and then cries in anger.

Your doctor walks in, looks down at his/her chart and says all is well.

You're in the unbearable heat and humidity of summer and walk into a cool room.

You're feet hurt something fierce and you remove your shoes.

Your renovator returns your call.

Enjoy these moments because they're part of the spice of life.

1 comment:

bluebird of paradise said...

what a lovely reminder to be grateful. i can relatehave two things happen to me recently and recovering from both. one to do with being sick the other to do with taxes. it's okay now though.........