Saturday, April 28, 2007


There's not a whole lot worth watching on T.V. but I do enjoy watching the comedy network. Stand up comedians are a special breed of people and I believe they are born, not made. Many times the comedians base their monologues on sex and nasty language but occasionally you see a true comedian who can make you laugh without swearing.

I watched such a comedian this morning and he had me laughing so hard at the visuals he drew with words that I almost...well, you know. He made fun of every race, religion, and age without being cruel. I think that's the secret of being a really good comedian...being funny without being cruel.

We need laughter in our lives. They say it produces beneficial effects to our bodies. The problem with so many comedy shows on T.V. is that they have laughter sound tracts which just don't jibe with the so-called comedy being presented. It puts one off.

Live comedy...or even taped live comedy...can raise our spirits and make us laugh at ourselves. Lord knows, there's no lack of material when you're describing the human condition.

Robin Williams is a comedic genius who was born with the talent to make people laugh. His intelligence and natural kindness make him the kind of comedian I love to watch. He can be pretty graphic at times but somehow it just comes out hilarious and not unbearably crude.

We all have natural comedians somewhere in our families or friends and they are the people you love to be around. We gravitate towards laughter because there's not always a lot to laugh about in our everyday lives.

In my senior park in Florida there are probably about 200-300 people in the busy season but if you asked most of them who the park clown is you'd probably get the same answer...Ron. I've never yet been in his company when he hasn't had me laughing myself silly.

People like Ron or Robin add so much to our lives. Wouldn't it be a sad, boring world without the people who can make us laugh?

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