Friday, April 27, 2007

Ghosts and E.S.P.

I was talking to a man today who brought up the fact that one of the buildings in my city is known to be haunted. It's an old building now used by some government run organization (I think it's actually run by the gay pride people because all the staff I once saw there appeared to be gay). I was there for an open house and only saw a total waste of taxpayer dollars.

The man I spoke to is a retired police officer and he once went down into the basement of the building and felt something touch him. I believe in this stuff!!

All of my life I've experienced events that can't be explained by what we know. Up until I was 14 I regularly had out-of-body experiences and could do it at will. Somehow I lost the ability but it has still happened occasionally when I've been under severe stress. This is a known occurrence for many people who are in extreme stressful conditions.

Many times I've known what was going to happen before it did and, by respecting my intuitions, it saved my life. This is also a rather common occurrence with others but we don't always pay attention to it.

Once my husband and I were on vacation in Venezuela and we rented a car to do a bit of touring in the countryside. We were in the village of Manzanilla and pulled up behind a water truck that had stopped in front of us. My intuition (E.S.P.) screamed at me that the truck was going to back up and I yelled this to my husband. Normally he would have ignored me, but this time he did put the car in reverse but just not fast enough to get out of the way. The driver of the truck had no idea we were behind him (there was no other vehicle on the road besides the two of us) so he put it in reverse and gunned the motor. The truck roared up onto the hood of our car, wheels spinning, and the water pipes on the side tore out our driver's side window, narrowly missing my husband. If I hadn't had my premonition, our car would have sat in a different position and the pipes would have come straight through the windshield...and through my husband.

Another time my husband, grandson, and mother-in-law went for a walk in the woods. We'd barely begun our walk when something told me strongly that there was danger ahead. I simply couldn't take another step but my husband and mother-in-law chose to go on while I took my grandson back to the car. Moments later, my mother-in-law fell on a rock and broke her ribs. Coincidence? Of course, if my E.S.P. worked flawlessly I'd have dragged my mother-in-law back to the car, too.

I've learned to heed my internal warnings. Most often they don't make sense at the time but I usually discover that I was wise to trust them. We make judgements based on our five senses every day so what is odd about using that sixth sense to guide us? I think we might be better off if we did.

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