Monday, April 23, 2007

Some Interesting Things I Saw Yesterday

I'll bet anyone reading my blog lately is bored to tears with the ongoing saga of my basement so I thought I'd add some humor here.

Yesterday I met my sister for coffee at the mall. We do this almost every Sunday and it's become one of the nicer moments of my week.

Anyone who is a "people watcher" should sit in a mall food court on a Sunday and just watch the humanity scurrying around.

I saw a young lady wearing skin tight, low rise jeans and a midriff top. She was about 7-8 months pregnant and her bare belly was almost bigger than she was.

I saw many little "princess" girls, still wearing their frilly dresses from church.

I saw people talking animatedly on cell phones while their companions sat staring into space, bored.

I saw little family units where the Daddy took as much care of the children as the Mommy did.

I saw kids wearing those running shoes with little wheels under them. They scooted in and out of the crowds and it looked like fun.

I saw people sitting alone.

My sister and I sat there for about an hour sipping on Tim Horton's coffee and chatting about our lives and plans.

Maybe there were other people watchers in the crowd who happened to notice us, too. I hope they saw how happy we were.

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