Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Mothers Who Murder Their Children

A young mother in Texas has hung her four children, killing three of them, and then committed suicide. When I read of something like this happening my heart goes out to the mother as well as the innocent children.

Unlike people who kill out of anger, greed, or just for the thrill, I can comprehend why this poor woman did what she did. I can fully imagine the depths of inability to cope anymore and the false conviction that her children would be better off dying with her.

Life can be so difficult and some of it is spent in despair and heartbreak. Luckily most of us are able to survive those moments and things really do get better given time. This woman fell too deeply into that dark pit and it swallowed her up.

In the years I lived with depression there was never a time I considered killing anyone but myself. But I remember being unable to think clearly during the bad times and that's what drove this woman to commit these horrible crimes.

We'll all grieve for the children but let's allow a portion of grief for their poor lost mother, too.

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