Friday, May 11, 2007

Muslims Who Hate

A friend sent me an e-mail today that stirred up my quiet little world. It showed pictures of a Muslim demonstration in England and those pictures were ugly. Men and women, some with scarves covering their faces, carried signs with messages of hatred against non-Muslims.

Messages of "BEHEAD THOSE WHO INSULT ISLAM", "BUTCHER THOSE WHO MOCK ISLAM", "EXTERMINATE THOSE WHO SLANDER ISLAM", and many more just as horrific were carried by the demonstrators.

What kind of people are these who show such hatred and dare to make these threats in public? What kind of religion do they follow that is so full of hatred and intolerance toward people of other faiths?

Christian religions aren't perfect by any means and they do hold themselves separate from other faiths but they never propose murdering people who disagree with or mock them. It's the rabid hatred shown by the demonstrators that worries me. How can we ever understand these people?

My husband once had to discipline a Muslim who worked for him. The man had lied about something and when my husband confronted him about it he said that there was no shame in a Muslim lying to a non-Muslim because we were devils.

How is it possible to co-exist with a group of people who think this of us? After seeing those pictures I think I've lost any feeling of trust I had that all religions could live in harmony here in Canada and the U.S.

Can you imagine what a vicious world it would be if all of us non-Muslims had to fear for our lives based on our religious beliefs? I've always believed that everyone should know a little bit about all religions because it would help us better understand each other. I'm going to make it a priority in my education to learn what I can about Islam. Maybe by learning something about it I won't fear it so much.

1 comment:

Kim said...

Mom, I love your attitude. Your thirst for knowledge is insatiable. I want to believe that these people are extremists but they sure do seem to have a large group of them.