Tuesday, May 15, 2007

More Plants

I planted some more flowers today and the yard is looking prettier with every day. It's amazing how the trees have become so lush with leaves and, at my house, formed a canopy over the deck that makes it look so homey and inviting.

I want to plant a Japanese Maple in one spot that already has a very sad looking Weigela. There just isn't enough sunlight there to make it healthy. Japanese Maples are quite expensive and I know I won't live in this house long enough to fully enjoy it but it will make me happy for the length of time I'm here. I just need to find out for sure if Japanese Maples are shade tolerant.

I read somewhere that elderly people who plant a tree aren't doing it for themselves but for the enjoyment of generations to come. I feel that way, too.

Sometimes when I'm driving on a hot and dry summer day, I come upon a weed growing up out of a crack in the asphalt. There's something about the tenacity of life in that darned weed that makes me feel good all over. The healthier the weed the more it makes me want to laugh. It's a good feeling.

We like to plant color co-ordinated pots and gardens of flowers but once in a while a stray gets in amongst our carefully planned scheme. Last year a lone white impatiens popped it's little head out of a display of brilliant red. I loved the surprise of it's presence.

Today was a perfect planting day...warm and sunny with rain in the evening. I'm a contented lady.

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