Sunday, May 20, 2007

Why War?

Every day on the news we hear of young soldiers being killed, most often in some foreign country. There are so many bombings being reported in countries around the world where one religion is trying to decimate another that I've long wondered what ever happened to the "love" in religion.

Why are we such a warring species? It's one thing to protect your personal property (even kill for it?) but to plant a bomb that rips human beings apart, human beings whose only crime is to follow a religion different from the bomber's, is animalistic.

If you take a close look at the battles going on around the world you'll see that "religion" is at the root of most if not all of them. Religious fanatics are pretty scary people. They aren't able to live comfortably among people of other beliefs so they protect their little plot of earth by murdering anyone who might threaten it. All religions have done this at one time or another.

I don't follow any organized religion because I can't imagine dedicating my life to an entity that allows murder, violence, and cruelty. I do have high hopes that there is some higher power somewhere that will explain to me when I die why so many human beings are savages.

We all have such tiny life spans when you consider eternity so what in our psyches makes us want to spend that precious time in cruel and murderous activity? We seem to carry an ingrained belief that "we" are right and anyone who doesn't agree with us is a danger to us. Talk about a flaw in our personality!!

I doubt there has ever been a time in history when people weren't at war and I don't see any evidence that that will change in the future. If it wasn't for the truly good people I've met in my life I'd just give up hope in the human race but I've come across some saints. Maybe they're the ones who have seen the light and maybe they're the "meek who will inherit the earth". By the looks of things it will take a long time.

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