Sunday, June 03, 2007

A Beautiful Day

One might not think that a day mostly overcast and threatening rain can be a beautiful day but it was.

I look out on my back yard and see lush greenery still unburnt by the hot summer sun. Hostas growing larger by the moment and not yet eaten by snails. Early perennials blooming in their own special colors, outshining the sparse little recently planted annuals. The annuals just beginning to show the promise of months to come.

Right now there is just a hint of rain washed deck, the heavy rains are on their way but not arrived as yet. The birds are tweeting softly in their nests, sitting upon eggs which are their contribution to the future.

We've had heat and humidity and now the rains will fall for a while, cooling the air. And everything will be clean and growing. It truly has been a beautiful day.

1 comment:

bluebird of paradise said...

wish i were there to share this beautiful day.........