Sunday, June 10, 2007

Disillusioned Immigrant from the U.K.

A lady who immigrated to Canada from the U.K. wrote a scathing letter to our local newspaper saying she regrets coming here and it was the biggest mistake she ever made. Her stated reasons are that, after 2 years residence, she can't get a job in her chosen field and that the majority of Canadians treat her like a second class citizen.

I'd bet it's her superior attitude that makes people, Canadian or not, turn their backs on her. As far as finding a job in her chosen field, many 2nd and 3rd generation Canadians are unable to do that. We can't always have what we want, lady!

Coming to the "land of opportunity" doesn't guarantee anyone a perfect life. If Canada could do that we'd all be deliriously happy, wouldn't we?

I knew someone years ago who immigrated here from Germany and expected her husband would make his fortune within the year. At that time he was a Canadian soldier who didn't have a penny to his name. We all laughed at her unreasonable expectations but she was very serious about them. Well, he didn't make his fortune fast enough so she went back to Germany.

Making your home anywhere means that you will strive to land the best job you can (hopefully in your chosen field but there's never any guarantee for anyone), raise your family in a pleasant neighborhood where you will make every effort to get along with your neighbors, and then do what you can to make your country a better place.

The lady from the U.K. has been here for 2 years and didn't get exactly what she wanted so she hates it here. She's an idiot.

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