Thursday, June 07, 2007

Letters to the Editor

I'm a retired lady who holds strong opinions on many subjects. I have a computer and plenty of time so therefore I write blogs and, occasionally, letters to the editor of my local newspaper.

My mother and my grandmother could never have dreamed of preaching their personal opinions over the internet or even in the newspaper they read every evening. This is a brave new world for retirees and I'm having such a darned good time taking advantage of it.

I wrote a letter to the editor the other day and received a phone call from the newspaper today to say they'd print it tomorrow. They also asked if they could insert my photo in the letter. I hate the fact that they print my name let alone allowing them to show my face, too, so I told them no thanks. I prefer being anonymous so I don't have to temper my true opinions.

I've written many letters to the editor and only a handful have been published...some of what I consider the best ones were rejected. One day I'll build up the nerve to ask them why they've chosen a particular one to print.

This is so much fun!

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