Friday, June 08, 2007

Good Samaritan

Last year I arrived home from Florida in April and found 10 boxes of china, silver, and knick knacks left at my back door. My next door neighbors saw a lady pull into my driveway and carry these boxes into the backyard just days before my return. Obviously they were left there by someone who knew I have a flea market stall and could use the items, but it had to be someone who knew I'd be arriving home within a few days, too. The boxes were very dirty as though they'd been stored for many years but each item inside the boxes had been carefully wrapped in newspaper (some 1930's) to carefully preserve them.

I've never found out who was kind enough to leave that lovely stuff for me.

I sold some of the things on Ebay and some at my flea market stall but one item I couldn't give up. It's a beautifully ornate flower frog, set in a large silver tray on a pedestal. The tray is also very ornate and looks as though it might be from the early 1900's.

There's something about this flower frog that appeals to me on many levels. There is a grace about it but also an aura of goodness. That may sound silly but that's what I see and feel when I look at it. I hope when I pass on and my daughters are fighting over who ISN"T going to take my lovely collection of glass, that one of them will appreciate the intrinsic value of this beautiful flower frog.

I believe it's pretty special.

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