Friday, June 01, 2007

True Love

I've been getting e-mails recently about true love and I started to think that we all have our own perceptions of true love but there's always one constant...true love sees beyond all faults.

It doesn't matter if your baby has scraggly hair or a big love them wholeheartedly and would give your life for them.

It doesn't matter if your hubby has a little too much tummy hanging over his belt buckle...your spirits lift when he walks through the door.

It doesn't matter if your wife spends too much money on cosmetics or love the fact that you can provide her with these things.

Someone once told me that it irked the life out of her when her husband stirred his coffee and the spoon clattered on the cup. It wasn't much surprise when she left him a few months later. If she'd felt "true love" for her man she would have loved the sound because it meant he was there with her.

The initial love for your child is pretty well an instinct, a natural response to love and care for your infant so that he/she will carry on the human race. It's a bit frightening how that love can grow to gargantuan proportions over the years. It is terribly unnatural for a woman to fail to feel loving concern for her child.

People often mistake physical attraction for true love. That doesn't mean that it won't develop into true love but they'll have to wait a while to find out.

Love is a precious commodity and we shouldn't tell someone we love them just because it's the fashionable thing to do. Entertainers tell their audiences that they love them and the audience screams with excitement...both sides under a false illusion. People tell their mate they love them because they feel it's expected, not because it's the truth.

I don't remember my family ever telling me they loved me when I was growing up. I know they did but they weren't capable of saying the words. Because of this I stopped telling my children I loved them around the time they became teenagers. One day my daughter, about 25 at the time, was leaving the house and she suddenly turned and kissed me, saying she loved me. That day changed me and loosened up my reserve. I began telling my girls again that I loved them whenever we say goodbye. You never know if you'll have another chance.

True love comes with it's dangers, too, and some of us are cruelly heart broken when the love isn't reciprocated or when it's lost. There's a saying, "It's better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all", and I agree because the moments of joy far outweigh the pain.

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