Saturday, July 14, 2007

I Walked Today

I've been on a bit of a healthier lifestyle kick lately (mostly fueled by worried comments from my friends) and had promised myself I'd use the treadmill while doing laundry.

Today I started laundry, put my new Toby Keith CD on, stepped onto the treadmill and walked and sang for 20 minutes. It may not seem like much but I'm a true couch potato and this is a vast improvement for me.

I wasn't tired after 20 minutes but I get bored easily and kept thinking of other things I could be doing. Anyway, it's a start and I did enjoy it. It's interesting to note that the walking (at 2 miles per hour) didn't hurt my knee one bit and that was a concern of mine. I hurt the damned knee dancing last New Year's (doing can-can kicks to New York, New York) and it still bothers me at times.

Today 20 minutes, tomorrow 21.

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